
Last Updated August 11, 2017

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Agency Information

No State Withholding


Florida Department of Revenue – Unemployment tax (also known as Reemployment Tax)

Add to existing company setup

Submit a request to your service team to add FLSUI (unemployment) to your company setup.  Please include the below with your request:

Florida Department of Revenue

  • Unemployment – Tax rate and Account number.  This can be found on a Contribution Rate Notice.  If you’re unsure of your tax rate or account number, you can call the agency at 850-488-6800.
  • Third Party Access – TPA Access is required and will be completed for you.  Please see the Third Party Registration and/or Power of Attorney section below for more information.

Register a new company

Florida Department of Revenue

New employers should complete the employer registration process at https://taxapps.floridarevenue.com/IRegistration/.  New employers will receive an unemployment tax rate and account number within 3-5 days of registering.

Third Party Access

Third Party Access is required in order to file and remit taxes on your behalf.  This will be completed for you.  If we have notified you that we were unable to gain third party access, please contact the agency at 850-488-6800.  There are a few reasons that could prohibit us to gain access.  

  1. Your account is inactive.
  2. The account number provided is not valid or is incorrect.
  3. The FEIN provided doesn’t match the one on file with the state.
  4. Your prior provider has access to your account.  You will need to contact your prior provider to request access be removed.